200mm(width)×60mm(length) In the more than 100 years of Alfa Romeo's history, the Giulietta series, which was introduced in 1954, is an indispensable part of the company's history. It is not difficult to imagine that Alfa Romeo, a state-owned company, had to play a major role in the recovery from the defeat in World War II.
The Giulietta series was a stepping stone for Alfa Romeo's transformation from a pre-war, ultra-luxury car manufacturer to a mass-production car manufacturer, The Giulietta series was a step in the right direction.
In 2024, the Giulietta celebrates its 70th anniversary. To commemorate this event, the RIA (Registro Italiano Alfa Romeo), the Alfa Romeo CLUB in Italy, has produced the memorial sticker introduced here. This is a must-see item for Alfistas! Don't miss out on this memorial item.